My own Challenge #parisreads James Joyce

Since graduating from college with an English Degree, I've made it a habit of going back and reading at least one worthy Classic a year. Ulysses has long been on the list. The signs were too strong for me to resist any longer, especially when I found this lovely "jj" Ulysses hardback at the library for a pittance. It's official, I'm taking the plunge, and this picture shows how my arsenal is stocked.

I posted about it yesterday on FB and Twitter, and got the most wonderful of responses from a Paris Poet that I admire and adore. I've reposted with permission.

I had actually read and thoroughly enjoyed The Most Dangerous Book last fall. It is so interesting to think that Ulysses is the book that broke the mold for publisher's rights regarding pornography / obscenity and The First Amendment right to free speech. My new found old hardback version has the entire court opinion printed in it.

And to think I know someone who "smuggled" his book back to America.

Slade, you are right. I do not and never will apologize for Art.

#parisreads indeed. And #paristhinks ! I love this crazy little redneck artsy town.

Contra muros, mater rubicolla.

(To borrow from John).


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